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4 ways your shadow self is tourmenting you

Shadow self is the part of ourselves we try hard to repress and ignore. Our sexual desires, creativity, 'negative' emotions all get pushed to the darkest side of us, never to be seen. The more we try to ignore it the more it shows up.

 These are the ways your shadow self maybe showing up unconsciously in your life.. 

1. Denial 😶 We tell ourselves we are not a certain way as if to try to convince ourselves and the people around us that we are something different. Those who suppress their sexuality as wrong are an example of this. 

2. Judgement and projection 🧐 We judge others for being a certain way and outwardly put them down for it. We target the things that we feel the most insecure about ourselves. Internet trolls will target those who are succeeding because they are insecure with their own progress. 

3. Emotional dysregulation 😠 From a young age we were told and shown that anger, sadness and anxiety are all bad and thus we try to stop them from emerging. This could later show up as depression, anxiety and/or anger disorders.

4. Power struggle 💪🏼 We will belittle those we deem of lower power and status than us either to make ourselves feel better in the short term or to treat others like we treat ourselves; repressed, unseen and unfulfilled. 

Get in touch today if you need help recognising how your shadow self might be turning up in your life for the worst.

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