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If you don't heal from what hurt you, you will bleed on those who didn't cut you. 5 telltale signs you are suffering with emotional trauma.

Trauma doesn't have to be this huge, one time experience to leave very real and permanent effects. Sometimes the more subtle forms of abuse are the most harmful because they are the most difficult to see, validate and heal from.

Here are 5 ways that trauma can show up for people..

1. In your sleep 💤

Ranging anywhere from struggling to fall asleep to unable to stay asleep to having vicious nightmares. Especially if trauma happens around sleep, you are likely to have anxiety around sleeping but any form of trauma can affect sleep too.

2. Shame and low self-worth 😞

We understand ourselves through our earliest interactions and if the story we were told is of a baseline of 'not good enough', this will be our self view moving forward too and come in the form of our thoughts and self perception.

3. Substance abuse/addiction 💊

Those who have ensured a trauma experience often don't know how to properly cope so adopt unhealthy coping mechanisms to help numb their feelings temporarily. Almost all forms of trauma have trauma as the root cause.

4. Physical symptoms 👁️

Muscle tension, aches, dizziness, heart palpitations, chest pains, numbness, chills and tremors, and uncomfortable sweating, as well as other more serious symptoms such as autoimmune diseases can all be trauma symptoms.

5. Emotional dysregulation 😰

This can often be a symptom of loss of safety and security. Intense or out of the ordinary depression, anxiety, anger and others can be present early and/or creep up in adulthood.

@shannonleighpsychotherapy ✨

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