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Trauma love and True Love; How to tell the difference 🌷❤️

Updated: Aug 19

The way we show love stems from our childhood attachments with our caregivers. This then reflects into our adult relationships and the cycle continues ♻️

Here are some ways to spot trauma love compared to that of authentic love.

1. The relationship starts with an instant attraction and irresistible chemistry. This is an emotionally unstable sign that someone is ignoring red flags and falling for the idealised version of another. True love starts with attraction and builds curiosity over time.

2. The connection is highly sexual. It can be a symptom of sexual trauma or an avoidance of emotional and intellectual vulnerability. High sexual intimacy matched with this vulnerability is ideal.

3. Extreme relationship highs and lows. This is perhaps a mirror reflecting what childhood was like. True love is predictable, stable and based on trust, not emotions.

4. Important conversations are avoided. Conflict resolution was not a developed skill or perhaps the consequences of such conversations were negative.

5. The relationship feels like an addiction. If you've never felt love before, you crave it. True love feels more like a choice, an honour.

Get in touch today if you need some help guiding your trauma to healing ✨

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